Monday, April 27, 2020

The update fairy April 27, 2020

4/27 For those who didn't know, Debs tap came out Sunday morning and the ambulance took her to the Nanaimo hospital at 4am. Deb had her tap reinserted and was released yesterday at 2:30pm. Deb has been pain free but it took allot out of her. Last night she was restless all night but pain free. She has been sleeping most of the day today. I'm hoping the sun will come out later today so she can get some deck time. Day by day. 🍀🍁🐈💋

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Update Fairy April 23-24, 2020

Here are pats updates from the last few days.

4/23 Deb is home. To start, Deb's meds were increase last night from 30 mgs morphine to 60 both time released. Here is the sequence of events for today. Deb's GP calls at 11:10am. The palliative nurse was here and told the doctor what was happening. The doc said he would call to see who could help Deb. 11:17 the doc called back and said the hospital in Nanaimo will call me. At 12:14 I get a call from the hospital to come in. At 1:10 I leave for Nanaimo which is 36 kilometers away (21 miles away for you know who). Arrived at the hospital all locked down at 2:00. I said  imagining is waiting for me. The doctor comes out and tells me what's going to take place. They get Deb and at 3:15 the doc comes back out and says we got it repaired. They replaced and put in a new tube from her liver to her gallbladder. We arrived at home at 4:05. Thanks to Kathy Fox who help me get Deb in and out of the car because Deb being stoned immaculate from the new meds. Day by day! 

4/24 continued from yesterday. Comment on medical care here. Yesterday Debs GP diagnosed what needed to be done with Deb at 12:17pm and Deb got home a little after 4:00. That was nothing but incredible. Deb got home and slept 4 hours and was still in Zombie land until 4 this afternoon. The nurse contacted the G P and we all agreed to go back to 30 mgs of morphine instead of 60. She has been without pain more or less with the morphine. Now she is allot more lucid.   Deb wasn't able to walk yesterday or today. She is better now and with a good night sleep without hallucinating, hopefully she will be stronger tomorrow. One day at a time. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Update Fairy for April 22, 2020

Sorry for the late update. Mom took a bit of a tumble on the way to the bathroom the night before last so they took things easy yesterday. I talked to mom briefly on the phone this afternoon, (before she had to let me go to let the nurse do her job) but she was in good spirits and "hanging in there".

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Update Fairy April 20, 2020

Update from Pat:

4/20 Deb had a pain free night and day today. So much better physical and mentally better than yesterday. Me also. She was out on the deck a couple of hours today. The last from 3:30 to close to 5. She then did DUO time with her daughters. As I was told,there will be good days and bad days. Let hope for another good one tonight and tomorrow. 🍀🍁🐈💋

The update Fairy for April 19, 2020

My sister and I were able to have a joint video chat with my mom on Saturday.  We talked a bit about her experience and her wishes going forward. She is tired. We are all agreed we don't want her to be in pain.

Pat sent this update last night:

4/19 Deb didn't have a good day today.  She told me she wants to go home. She is not drinking much water but is thirsty. I'll see about getting an IV tomorrow. She says she love you all.

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Update Fairy for April 17, 2020

Update from Pat

4/17. Deb had a good night and day with mild pain. Not very lucid but not in pain. We're on the deck right now enjoying a perfect evening. Let's hope for another good night. Deb says she loves you all. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Update Fairy for April 16, 2020

For those who have been wondering how my mom is doing... She had been having trouble managing pain over the last week and had to deprioritize social media and updating this blog. I receive a daily update from Pat so on the days that my mom can't be here to report for herself I'll pass along Patrick's update:


4/16 Deb had a great night and morning with the new meds. When she got up in the middle of the night she wasn't experiencing the pain she had the previous nights. We got a few loose ends tied up today. It's 23 C on the deck today (74 for you foreigners). As the doctor says there will be good days and bad days before this is over. Lets hope for a good one tonight.


Thank you all for your kind words and support.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Drool for April 8, 2020

Yesterday’s  spellchecker has been reprimanded and hopefully today’s entry will make more sense.  Today was another challenging day but I managed to get the paperwork done for the first travel insurance claim.    Tomorrow, hopefully the main claim.   I don’t have any idea how much the second travel insurance claim will be for, but the fact they air evacuated me back to Canada on Paris Hilton’s jet makes me think it’s a douzzy

Had the nurse come by today to change my drain tube dressing, and a failed video call with my doctor, which we achieved just fine by phone any chance not to appear by video these days is welcomed.   Did you know when you are dying it doesn’t make any difference whether you use grey or purple eye shadow, as long as your lipstick colour exactly matches the inside of your gums.  Lol. That way if your mouth is hanging open, your lips look pumped and full. ðŸĪŠ

On that sick note, I will bid you a good night, and Drool at you tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Droolfo April 7: 2020

Hi everyone.   Today and the last few days have been physically challenging.  I am trying to get things accomplished, but it is difficult.  Pat has been a great help but without energy to move forward I am finding it hard I have a new plan to tackle what needs to be done, so have renewed optimism that tomorrow will show some accomplishments. Wish me luck,energy and clear headedness .    I love you sllandpromise I will return to myoriginally witty sell once thrbudubess aspect is take care of.

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Drool for April 6; 2020

I’ll be honest.  The last couple of days have been  bit of  blurr, scrambled activities  then followed up by pooped exhausted naps.    I thought I had this aced but i think maybe I’m not running the show here.  I do feel the strength of your prayers and positive wishes and blessings.   And I am hoping tomorrow will be a strong  day overall.    But I find myself struggling to get the energy for a blog, a hi how are you, or,oh look a seagull    So if anyone else would Ike te ours, please feel free!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Drool for April 4, 2020

Hi there,

Yesterday turned up a wonderful surprise.  My friends Jan and Chris arranged for a zoom video chat “wine and hat” party with a whole crew of dear friends in Winnipeg!   We used to have hat parties at Jan’s where everyone had to wear a hat.  It’s great fun!

And getting everyone on the same page to use the zoom meeting app was no easy feat either.   Hats off to Chris for patiently talking our more technically challenged friends how to use the zoom app.   Most did ok, one was a bit late, but it was an absolutely wonderful event, and I thank you both you and Jan for setting this up  

The video chat was so much fun.   We laughed and told stories and laughed some more.  It was so good to see you all.   You are all very near, dear and special to me.  There were some that missed the video party, but I am hoping we can do it again.  

I went to bed last night pretty tired, but with a head full of wonderful memories and great friendships.    

I’ve been a whole lot quieter today.   Saving up for the next fun energy burst    Night all  love you 😃

Friday, April 3, 2020

The Drool for April 3, 2020

Hello fellow house bound inmates. The world is not as lonely knowing everyone is self isolating at home.   These are crazy times were are living in.

My days are a mixture of sleeping/conserving energy, eating (to give me energy), bathing, dressing, etc.   Simple things have become more of an effort as this disease try’s to consume me.  The transfusion yesterday helped in the energy department.     But I tire easily and have to rest frequently.  

I am not in pain.  I do have discomfort that is present always, sometimes bad,  but it is manageable with the medication.    I am sleeping well through the night now and Pat (bless his heart) says I look good.   I just wish I felt like strutting this body that has dropped 12 lbs!oo

I have been hearing from people I haven’t heard from in years, and it is wonderful.  It reminds me of what a full and wonderful life I have had.   And how blessed I have been.

I am doing something I’ve intended to do for awhile, but never get around to it.   I am making a donation to the Chemainus cat rescue (spay, neuter and release) program.  They feed the strays at the hospital a couple of doors down. Their cover photo on their Facebook page is a feral cat that I used to feed when we were here, who we called Miss Kitty.   My own Simon Cougar was a feral cat originally born in this feral community.

Speaking of Simon, he has been lying by my side for hours and days since we got home.   As soon as I move to the bedroom, here he is, keeping me company.    I have a hospital bed beside our bed, and he is now in my spot beside me.   He is a special kitty.  

I did what I wasn’t supposed to today, trimmed my hair.   Good thing it’s curly and forgiving!   I checked my social agenda, and apparently there isn’t too much in the future I need worry about my looks for!

Today is sunny and cool, but warming up by Monday.   I want to get more deck time in the sunshine!

One of my dad’s funnier jokes:   Everyone who knew my dad knew he was deaf (same as me).  Back in the mid-nineties, when dad was recently fitted with newer, better hearing aids he told me that when he saw his audiolist he mentioned to her he was worried about my MOMs hearing.   The Audiolist told dad to perform a simple at home hearing test and report the results  back to her.    He told dad to stand about 25 feet from mom, and in a normal voice, ask her a question.  If no response, move 5 feet closer and try again.    Report back to her how far away he was when mom responded.  
While mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner, dad stood at the bedroom doorway, and in a normal voice asked “Marlyn, what’s for dinner?   No response, so dad walked into the Livingroom, and again asked, “Marlyn, what’s for dinner?”   No response.   Dad moved up to the dining room and asked again, still no response.  Dad moved into the kitchen behind mom who was standing at the sink and again asked, “Marlyn, what’s for dinner?”

“Jack, for the fifth time, I said chicken!!”    ðŸĪŠ.   Have a great night my friends.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Drool for April 1, 2020

Hi there.  I’ve decided to drop the name Daily from my blog posts, well, for obvious reasons.  It appears I am drooling, just not on a daily basis.  I am still here though, rumours of my speedy demise were not true.

They sent me into the Chemainus Hospital this afternoon for two blood transfusions, which should help me with my deplinishing energy levels.  Also saw a palliative nurse today in my home. So a busy day on the palliative ward today.

I am so fortunate that I have Patrick taking care of me.   He is loving, attentive, patient,  and has everything organized    I have been sleeping better at night, which is helpful for us both.  

Tomorrow we will try to retrieve my paperwork from the safety deposit box again.   Wouldn’t let me near it last week.  

Also looking forward to warmer weather where I can sun my face on the front desk.  

The town looks quiet.  A few people out getting some fresh air and keeping their social distancing.   But buds are sprouting and the promise of spring isn’t far off.   I am thankful every day to be able to be here at home.  

Love you all.  ðŸ’•❤️💕