From Diane:
"The Truth is I’ve been putting this off for what seems like a long time, Deb!
I love you , love as only a big ( okay older) Sister can…. and I just can’t imagine a world without you in it.
I’m so proud to be your sister….
I’ve always envied your playfulness, your ability to be in the moment, your caring, your gumption, your humour…..your very capable brain…..I could go on and on…..but you know the drift.
Not SNOW…..
We share so many stories….we are the daughters of 'Jack and Marlyn'….granddaughters of' EW and Verna'….noone else but us shares that except….Garth and Terry Lee( some of it )….. our cousins from Dad’s side.
Be at Peace, Dear Deb……know You are loved,
You are cherished…..My only wish is that I could crawl in beside you right now….and we’d whisper, giggle, and try not to make too much noise……(maybe share a glass or 2 of wine!)
How many years did we share a bedroom ….I know you are going to say….until I almost smothered you …..but it did get us our very own rooms! Mine green….yours blue! Mom and dad’s was peach! remember? And the Red book? Tell me you remember the Red Book!
Ah! Debbie Dawn….so many memories…
I send you comfort, light, and a giant love hug!
You are well cared for by Pat….I know that Ryann and Shannon wanted to be there … do I …….but the world prevents us right now …….
I’ll always picture you looking out over the water….enchanting…..
Love, Light, Many Blessed memories….."
Your Sister
From David:
Debbie Debbie Debbie
I will always remember our 1986 meeting. The young budding entrepreneur in the classic blue business attire in her brand new business centre.
I was in desperate need of a strong administrator to add support so my Phony Baloney Shiny Paper business would soar, and there she was standing right before me in the blue dress. I felt just like James Bond must have felt when he first met Miss Moneypenny. I signed my pact with Debbie in the blue dress right then and from that moment on “ The universe has unfolded as it should “
She introduced me to a cast of ever-changing characters who turned out to be our Rouges Gallery. We moved around a bit going from Lombard to Carlton with Debbie always making sure her clients were being entertained with new characters entering and leaving her centre.
There were computer geeks, insurance gurus, financial wizards, headhunters, entrepreneurs, psychiatrists, horse racing experts accompanied by possible hookers, metal-heads, travel experts, world cup designers, racquet players possibly in the rackets, engineers, electricians, architects, car salesmen, telephone salesmen, deal
makers, cartoonists, she even once unintentionally included a homeless person. I think I could go onand on and still forget some.
The 1986 pact I signed with Debbie in the blue dress, blue dress was the best contract I ever signed. You and I became confidants and are the best of friends forever. I truly consider you to be my Sister.
Lots of love from your oldest living client. Love David
From Judy:
Deb I hope today was a bright day for you.
Ice water really helps to refresh us as well as refresh our minds. That reminds me of one of your parties. The last ones standing; Robbie, you and I. On the basement floor, a beer barrel full of ice water. “Hey Deb; bet you 50 bucks you can’t dunk your head in and get a beer”.
“You’re on!”
In seconds down on your knees and you stuck your entire head in the barrel. Head swishing around, water and ice flying everywhere, up you came, no beer but tons of ice cubes stuck in your hair. Round two. Head went even deeper in. I cannot remember laughing so hard. Robbie and I both fell to the floor killing ourselves laughing. Came back up, no beer but this time think you froze your nose and ears.
Time to be honest. We turned the beers upside down so there would be no way that you could actually grab a beer tab with your teeth. After all these years you have the real reason why you couldn’t get one.
You always have an inspiring spirit and wonderful way to cheer people up and make them laugh. I hope you had a great day today.
Love you.
From Patty:
Let her know I have been reminiscing about some of our adventures together like the Friday night in a blinding rain storm, in the boat trying to find the cottage with the hydro out. I had to find the back door in the dark and when I went inside the smell of a rotting mouse was overwhelming. Tried to find a flashlight with Debbie at the patio door soaking wet clutching food and alcohol. Next morning trouper that she is, she let me wrap a scarf around her face sprayed with Alfred Sung and she went into the closet to get rid of the mouse which she did. All because I am scared of mice.
Another time, a bunch of us went on the bus to Minomon for the weekend. Debbie was in charge of our token Male, the blowup doll. He sat with her on the bus. When the customs officer boarded the bus to check our passports, she had him in stitches sitting there with her NEW boyfriend. So many good times.
Three stories from Bobbie:
So there was this time when I applied for a job at an office in Winnipeg. It was around 1992. The position was for an office manager/production assistant in training. My business cards said "office wizard". There was this other girl that worked there whose business card said "the suit". Her name was Debra. I never really had the opportunity to talk to her too much as she was on the road a lot. She was in charge of sales. When she was in the office, there was the odd time when we could actually chat and get to know each other a little bit. I realized in very short time she was a person that I really liked. She was kind, thoughtful, generous, hilariously funny, and caring. So one Friday in the middle of summer on a beautiful weekend, I went home and had a huge fight with the ex-husband. Didn’t want to stick around and look at his face all weekend so I decided to grab all my camping gear, throw it in my jeep along with my little dog and head out somewhere. Didn't really know where. That day I had been talking to Debra at the office and she said she didn't have any plans for the weekend so I thought what the hell? I gave her a call, told her what I was doing, and asked her if she wanted to come. Her reply was "give me 20 minutes to throw some clothes in a bag" We headed east on Highway number one towards Kenora. We talked, laughed, drank and had a generally great time. We were getting close to Kenora so I thought we better find a place pretty quick because it was starting to get late, we needed to pitch the tent. We then saw a sign that said “Anicinabe Park”. We both looked at the sign and together shouted “Itchy-Bitchy Park? Let's go!and we laughed and laughed. Pitched the tent, headed to Casey's bar, sat by the fire, met some new friends, and got to know one of the greatest people I have ever met in my life, my great friend Debra. My current husband Gord and I (not the ass) now live in Kenora and every time I see the Itchy-Bitchy Park sign I think of Deb. One of the greatest weekends of my life. Love you girlfriend. ❤️🥃
Then there was the time in 1993, December 27. Myself, the ex, and my daughter Kaleena showed up and rang Deb’s doorbell out of the blue at around 8pm. We had just got married at the JP and wanted to share the news with her first. I think we even called our parents and told them that we had just got married from her house. Too funny as we all know how that ended up. LOL!!
That's a good friend when you know you can share the news with her because she feels like family, like the older sister I never had. 💕🥃
Then there was that time when Debra and I were working at the production company and we had become very close friends. The owners, we’ll call them Narcissist and Narcissista, were just that. Into themselves, their money and screwing anyone they could. Deb and I both had our evaluations scheduled the same morning. We had been there, well I think I was there about six months, I'm not sure how long Debra was there. So Deb walks past me to go into the narcissists’ office and about five minutes later she comes out of his office, walking towards me with a big smile on her face, and says, “See you later kid”. I'm like, what the hell just happened here? We had briefly spoke about how much we both disliked being there because of the personalities we had to deal with. I just didn't know that she would be leaving that morning. Shortly thereafter, I went into the narcissists’ office for my work performance evaluation. He started by telling me that I was doing a great job and then started bashing Debra. I was stunned. Actually I wasn't because that's the way they were. He knew we were friends. So I looked him in the eye, and said you know what? I'm not doing this anymore. Got up, left his office, grabbed my stuff and went home. I unloaded my personal belongings out of the Jeep that I had taken from the office then got back in and headed over to Deb's. She looked at me in surprise and shock. Then we laughed!! We drank her alcohol and then we went to my house, sat on my back deck and drank my alcohol. Later that afternoon, another of our coworkers who would have loved to have walked out as well but wasn’t able to joined us. We all laughed and laughed and had another great day together. That's what friends do. Comfort each other in their time of need. And stand strong beside each other. I love you my friend and would walk out of anywhere to stand beside you.
From Lina:
You daily posts make me smile and laugh. It’s true even in your days in Winnipeg, we couldn’t get you up before 11:00 on the weekends.
I know you are surrounded by beauty, love and peace in your heart. Wish I was there for you and Pat. Love and miss you.
From Susan:
Stories...0MG... you are the queen and generator of stories. Tried to post whole stories...didn’t work, so here is Coles Notes
Denis’s Birthday, going to Casino in US, crossing border...and the look on the US CBP guy as he made his way down the aisle...looking very serious....then fixing his eyes on your “date”...the blow up doll. He was trying so hard to retain his authority without breaking down in the aisle, busting a gut...'
Then same “date” in Vegas when the 6 of went to Vegas to celebrate your 60th BDay! Complete with enhanced biological parts with rolled up socks, he was still the best date around, sharing huge Happy Hour Martinis with totally rad concoctions, the best part, us just being together and celebrating you...the Deb we all love and treasure...where is that blow up boy now that Pat has upsurged him?
Thank you, Debbie, and to Pat for embracing all us...with your open arms when I came to the island to visit, and to the extraordinary sense of humour you brought into all our lives...and thank you for my new friends...Elizabeth and your Longest Surviving Customer, David! I will cherish you always and happy Dar will have another Bombay Girl to join her at Happy Hour....So much love to you all....♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
From Wendy:
Hi Deb,
I hope you are having a good day. Just thinking about all the good pool parties we had in our back yard. All us girls dancing around the pool to songs like “Never Going To Give You Up” by Rick Ashley, “Caribbean Queen” by Billie Ocean, Just Another Day by Jon Secada and so on. So much fun. I actually have Just Another Day playing right now as i’m Writing to you and smiling. Love you girlfriend.
From Elizabeth:
Dearest GF
I remember quite vividly the day we met – Friday, after work cocktail hour at Old Baileys. David and I were in the beginning days of our relationship. He wanted to introduce me to his very special friend and a few of the characters (him aside lol) that inhabited your place of business. I was nervous because you meant a lot to him and your opinion of me mattered to him. You arrived at the bar, your smile getting to the table long before you. By the time we finished our first drink I knew I’d found a kindred spirit. As it was then, so it is now.
You and I took such glee in orchestrating ‘kidnap weekends’ for our significant’s. Despite grumblings about being blindfolded with their ties, driven to an unmarked spots on the highway (to keep our destinations secret) to change into casual clothes we so thoughtfully provided, a good time was had by everyone, every time. As you mentioned, our not so veiled hints to those same significant’s never resulted in a return of likeminded events.
You once arranged, for David, to have a Barber Shop Quartet come to the house to sing me Happy Birthday. Very cool. Another birthday you were integral to – David’s 40 th . I arrived at your business centre minutes before the workday ended wearing beneath a fur coat, stilettos, lacy bits, and a red bow (bag in hand with other garments cuz we were all going for drinks). You saw the bow on my neck, gave me the biggest grin, said ‘he’s on the phone’. I sat in David’s office, coat done up, waiting for him to hang up. He kept talking and talking. I finally stood up and did the reveal. He stayed on the phone! There was a knock on the door. I hastily pulled on a dress (he’s still on the phone) and there you were with 40 black balloons and most of the office standing behind you. David still on the phone. You and I couldn’t
stop laughing. And we continued to laugh through spontaneous dinners, cocktails, limo rides to the Eagles concert, plant exchanges for the garden, long visits on the phone. Where we left off on our last chat was where we began the next. And you always start a tale with your infectious laugh. You’d take us up there where stress and heartbreak became a story we could manage, where fear and loss always had a brighter side.
I love you, Deb, always. My arms are around you, always.
From Lori:
I met Deb through our Exes. Robb Oades and Al Keen. We along with Martha and Dave spent many fun times and made it a tradition for a few years to go down to my cottage at Victoria Beach, MB on May Long Weekend. We would quickly open up the cabin, hookup the water, cleanup the yard, start a fire get the festivities 

going. It was always a great weekend to enjoy both the 1st weekend at the beach but to golf and celebrate Birthdays. Deb and Al's. Lots of great laughs and food. Golfing at either Grand Pines or Pine Falls. Remember the windy game Deb, when our cart started to move in reverse by itself. I looked up from my shot to seeing you blow backwards. 

Our laughs and fun times continued over the years with many rounds of Trivial Pursuit both at the cottage and get togethers in the city. Deb and I made great partners at TP and could give those boys a run for the money on many occasions. FYI - when all else fails FINAL ANSWER for the last pie was always Nietzsch......LOL 

. Other wonderful memories and laughs were the time my cat Elvis, even though he was a little kitten made a snack of Deb's moccasins slippers and ate most of the fur off of them. Deb in her usual jovial self only laughed as she being a cat lover herself wasn't upset. 

. And our infamous performance in the kitchen at the cottage. Deb, Martha, and I sang numerous trio songs till the wee hours of the morning. We were known hence forth as " The Dipsy Stiks (Chicks)" or something like that.. 

. Even though my time with Deb was relatively short compared to alot of her other lifetime friendship it was a powerful connection that I instantly felt on so many levels. Deb, you will always be with me in my past, present, and future. Thankyou for your continued friendship. I'm honored to know you.
Love you always,
Lori xoxoxo

More from Elizabeth:
I have another memory to share!
Sometime around 1989-90 I decided after a glass or four of wine, to write a book. All day I would labour with pencil on a yellow legal pad to fill a few pages that David would take to you each morning to translate. Despite paper erased through in parts, crossed out words, smudges, and stains you could decipher my efforts and sent him home each night with perfectly spaced, spell-checked, punctuated, typed pages that he could then read. We did the first draft of an entire book, The Turning, page by page that way. Always there were post-it notes you attached; What happens next? When do I get the next chapter? What does the gate post have to do with anything?
You thought it fun to be involved and slid effortlessly into my make believe world, encouraging me every step to let loose my imagination. Next to David, you were my #1 fan. You have always encouraged people to go with their creativity, to find that path of joy. And to make it even better, invite you to come along.
Mona Lisa’s Smile
From Geeg
Debbie, I did not know how our lives would change.
We had met on many occasions at the business centre. We had a mutual business associate, for myself it was friendship, an opportunity to visit David Hunter. Debbie and I had spoken many times but had never socialized, our relationship was professional.
That was all about to change on one glorious spring day.
Something unexpected happened on this day. The event and, most of all, what it implied, a time of change-internal and external-
Mona Lisa Restaurant there was four people meeting for lunch David Elizabeth Debbie and myself.
We assumed our positions in the lounge and ordered beverages and lunch. We had no idea where our lunch would take us.
What started as a casual lunch finished with Deb and myself heading downtown to the Federal Government Office of Stats Canada. We had decided over lunch we needed to change our last names.
And so the once in a lifetime friendship began...
Love you
From Wendy M.
Hey Deb, Wendy & Art here from the ‘peg and reminiscing about knowing you. First of all I met you when I was a real estate agent with Sunridge Realty/Property Management in 1991 (holy moly how the years have gone by!) at 155 Carlton Street where you set up an ‘Office Service Business’ as a tenant. We had occasion to run into each other working out of the same building and got to know each other better sharing a few fun tenant parties! When I was introduced by Jan to the Earls girls lo & behold who was part of that group but you! Many fun times with all the girls!
In 2013 Art & I decided to take a driving trip out to the west coast....this was Art’s first ever time all the way to the west coast. I had a cousin living in Vancouver who invited us to his family cottage on Gabriella Island...we took him up on his offer & found ourselves on a ferry to the island....of course when we let you know you invited Art & I to dinner at your place in Chemainus with your parents. You all gave us a very warm welcome and we were about half way through dinner when Art said to your Dad...’you look so familiar to me...What’s your last name?’ When your Dad answered Kearns, Art about fell off his chair as they both had curled out of Strathcona CC in late 60’s to early 70’s....while the reminiscing and wine got more than flowing at that was then discovered that Jack Callum who you called Uncle Jack was a close friend of Art’s also.....well of course a phone call had to be made to ‘Uncle Jack’ evening of many laughs, great fun & hospitality Deb by you and your parents! It was so much fun we barely made it to catch the last ferry to Gabriella! Hard to believe what a small world it is and continues to be! Much Love Deb to both you & Patrick from both Art & I!
Hi Debbie.
I hope this letter brightens your day. There are so many memories and it’s wonderful to see some of the stories that have been shared already
I thought I would share some of our greatest memories and give the Coles version.
The other day I was driving through Charleswood. The sun was shining, and all of a sudden I remembered you calling and all you had to say is “It’s Thirsty Thursday”. Turning the corner on two wheels and heading to your place. You sitting on the front deck with a cocktail already prepared for me. There isn’t many Thursday’s that go by where I don’t think about those days.
Remember the beer bobbing event where Robbie left all his band equipment?You found that power switch. and of a sudden the buzzing echo’d through the basement. “Test, test, test”. Wow we sounded fantastic that night. Well we thought so anyway. But after a few cocktails everyone starts to sound good.
All those cold 30 below winter nights in the barn. You’d call; “Bring your warm boots cause we’re goin’ in the barn”. I would be wearing my snowmobile pants, jacket, snow boots. After the woodstove kicked in, off came the jackets and started peeling off the layers and opening the door. Good Music, great fire, lots of laughs, lots of singing and lots of good friends. Heck we didn’t even have to worry about the fire because there was a “very nice” fireman right across the street that used to come and join us.
When I moved into my house on Cullen there was a little doll house shed in the backyard. No comparison to the barn of course but it served it’s purpose. Just enough room for a couple of folding chairs. What else do you need? Us dolls would sit in there after work and just chat, solve all the worldly problems and spark our imaginations. We were going to become millionaires when we introduce the new and improved “Stud Finder”. The unit was going to help women find the man (stud) of their dreams. Imagine this! You walk into a bar and you take a seat. You glance across the room and you see the most handsome stud (geez) that you’ve ever seen in your entire life.
You walk over to him, say hello and take the stud finder and put it up against his arm. The finder displays a message that will say how compatible he is with you. It will say things like perfect match, what a hunk, snap him up, let’s go home together, etc. A great icebreaker. We had drawings of the design, had the messages all laid out and we even had a price point on what it would cost. Geniuses we were.
Yes great memories in that house. My first project when I got there was to build an Adirondack settee. Took weeks to build. You came many times to help. We all were going to a party one evening at the Moore’s house. I showed my excitement thatl night. The next morning iI am going to pick up my truck. The red mustang is parked in the driveway. Gasp!!! Something is amiss. SETTEE GONE!!!What?????
While walking to the Moore’s I realize someone must be playing a joke on me and I know exactly who it is. First thing... checked the Moore’s backyard, not there. Shortly in the truckI head to Deb’s. Sure enough, There it was!!! She snatched it from my back yard. Everyone at the party was in on it. They thought it was really funny until I told Deb they laid a long white paint streak along to side of the mustang. Not so funny now, huh? Paint came off, settee back home, all was good.
We are always up for an adventure. Went to the trailer in the middle of the winter, got stuck in the snow, a snowmobiler had to get us out. Do you think that would have scared us off ? Nope. We go again. This time we’re spending the night. Electric Heaters? Check. Blankets? Check. Food? Check. Rye and mix? Double check. Power? Yes. Had a great evening. Even laughed about the dilemma we got ourselves into the last time we were there. We went to bed and woke up to the trailer shaking and rocking. A windy ice storm. Oh oh. The ice actually sealed the trailer door shut. “We’ll be fine”, we told ourselves. Still had lots of food and stuff and heaters. Until the power started to flicker. I think we turned a heater toward the door and we bust ourselves out. Thelma and Louise on the road again.
Playing pool at the green with your mom, dad and Pat are great fun memories. Years ago, Friday’s after work, the peg, Charleswood Hotel, drinks, laughs and playing pool. You and I were partners against two of the big guns. What were we thinking? George breaks and proceeds to sink every ball but the black. The place was buzzing for he ran the table....well almost. I am up first. Man I was nervous. We analyzed every shot. With your help I made every shot getting closer to the black ball. The closer we got the more people started watching. Down to the black and down the black ball goes in the pocket. We were screaming, people were screaming and remember Blackie.... “Ha ha he almost ran the table but you girls ran the &$&$’en table“. We make a good team.
There are acquaintances, their are friends and then there are gifts of true friendship. You Debbie are and always will be a gift to me. We are truly Soul Sisters.
Love ya
(Please email with your story if you''d like to add).
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Love your blog. 😘
ReplyDeleteApril 29 2021 Thinking of you Deb. 1 year later. Hope you are in a sunny warm place surrounded by love. I'm sure you are. Hope Pat and Simon Cougar are doing OK and of course your kids and the rest of your family. Take care. Will raise a glass this weekend when I go down to VB. xoxo Lori