Monday, March 23, 2020

Coworkers, buddies, friends, colleges, whatever

here's your spot

(Please email if you want to add a story or sentiment to this page). 


  1. Well fuck. I did this earlier and it didn't post. Anyways, what I said was something amazing and blah blah blah.

    Love you Deb. That is all.

  2. So sorry to learn this. I’m not surprised to see this blog created as it’s done in true Deb style. Very witty title and lots of humor on such a serious event.
    You are an exceptional human being. You brought me lots of laughs on our Mortgage Pros trips with One Link.
    So happy you’ve had such a great life in the last 8 years.
    I wish you peace and comfort.
    Love you ��
    Diane M

  3. I am as we don't speak looking for pics from VB. God we had fun.
    I wish I had a pic of The "Dipsy Chicks" I will keep looking. Love you Deb.

  4. Sorry just navigating thru how this works. Unknown is me just published.

  5. Hi Deb, I cannot start imagining how it feels but I pray that it would not hurt as much. For all I care, you have been a very good person. You are an inspiration and you still continue to motivate and move with this blog. Hugs to you...keep you! -Sharon
