Monday, March 23, 2020

What Happened?

For those who want to know how we got here:  Here’s the Readers Digest Version. 

We decided to Christmas in Canada this year.    On December 23, 2019 I had a routine colonoscopy scheduled.  We had two huge feasts following the preparatory fast for the colonoscopy, but all fine.   Had a head cold right at New Years, but recovered quickly.  We were trying to find a window to travel by car back to Fresno, when it wasn’t snowing in the mountains.  

Around the first week January my stomach began to act up, swell.  Very uncomfortable.   I thought it was a result of the colonoscopy and divergiticulosis (not spelled right) which they said I had after the procedure that was symptom less    I booked an appointment to see my GP (he was away but a fill in doctor there).  We thought my stomach discomfort might be that, but the doc ordered blood work and stool work to make sure.    On Jan 24 I got the bloodwork (all clear) and we decided to head to the USA while we had a window to do so, or would have to wait 10 days.   Second day on the road the stool sample came back positive for a stomach infection, difficult to treat, that can cause ulcers.  

I went to a walk in clinic in Fresno with the lab report and was given the antibiotics (two different kinds taken at same time and anti-ulcer pill    I did not feel better.  Thinking I had indeed developed an ulcer, I went back to walk in doctor for a prescription to treat the ulcers.  No effect and getting more and more painful.  We booked a flight to come back on Monday so I could see my doc here, but Sunday the pain drove my heart rate up to mild heart attack (on the edge).  Doctors kept me overnight, and night nurse got further investigation going on what’s happening in my stomach.  Next two days of tests, every time my gurney was pushed down a hall, a hub cap or essential engine part would explode off and hit the wall!   I am sure my travel insurance provider has a huge bill!

I have a huge inoperable cancerous mass on my right side, with the likely source, the pancreas.  Cancer has already spread throughout.  Pancreas, gull bladder, on my liver, lungs, spine….????   Time left is  guesswork…  I have been given a gift of time to help with the estate and   Everyday is a gift.time to tell people how important they were to me. 

Fresno hospital put in a drain from my gall bladder to intestine opening, which cut pain by ½    They worked a week to stabilize me to fly to Canada. 

On Monday, March 16 Patrick, Simon Cougar and I were sent by Medivac jet from Fresno to Victoria.  Flight took less than 2 hours and is only way I am flying from here on in. 
Victoria doctors got a stent into my vile bile bag and I am unfettered and so appreciative.  
I was released into palliative home care on Friday.  Patrick and I were full of gratitude to get home.   I was cleared of the virus but Pat is on voluntary isolation.   me home.Nursing home care will start soon as Pat is cleared his isolation.

I spent the weekend  to rest, eat, cure and bolster up my body and am 60% better today than I was yesterday and getting stronger.

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