Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Drool for April 4, 2020

Hi there,

Yesterday turned up a wonderful surprise.  My friends Jan and Chris arranged for a zoom video chat “wine and hat” party with a whole crew of dear friends in Winnipeg!   We used to have hat parties at Jan’s where everyone had to wear a hat.  It’s great fun!

And getting everyone on the same page to use the zoom meeting app was no easy feat either.   Hats off to Chris for patiently talking our more technically challenged friends how to use the zoom app.   Most did ok, one was a bit late, but it was an absolutely wonderful event, and I thank you both you and Jan for setting this up  

The video chat was so much fun.   We laughed and told stories and laughed some more.  It was so good to see you all.   You are all very near, dear and special to me.  There were some that missed the video party, but I am hoping we can do it again.  

I went to bed last night pretty tired, but with a head full of wonderful memories and great friendships.    

I’ve been a whole lot quieter today.   Saving up for the next fun energy burst    Night all  love you 😃

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